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We do not own nor are we in partnership with the owners of the resource materials we are directing you to. We stand behind the videos, articles, and resources that we link to as excellent sources to get started on these topics.

Further, the resources we link to have not endorsed us or in most cases each other. They may also fully disagree with each other's as well as my own conclusions. Resources may use course language and cover unsettling content.




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The images on this site are from the Smithsonian Open Access.

Welcome to Forbidden Curriculum!

Let's learn something politicians are trying to keep out of public schools!

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What you find for each topic is a research starter. There is more to learn about each of these subjects and this site isn't going to write your report for you.

When you absorb this information and you are passionate about it, there will be no limit to the number of words and pages you will be ready to write about it.

Check out the Review section to make sure you can spot a bad argument in your source materials, ensure that you are making good arguments, take advantage of free spelling and grammar checks, and simplify the process of citing your sources to make your arguments airtight.

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